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Company Profile
JMB Food Sales Company represents a variety of perishable, grocery, specialty, natural, organic, kosher and private label products, functioning both as a regional Broker and Master broker (see our JMB Group Link) and exclusive agent to certain accounts.
Our President
The president and owner of J.M.B., William E. Battles III, has been in the food industry 25 plus years and has held executive level positions with major supermarket chains in the Northeast. Having spent many years servicing clients in recommending food brokers to expand their lines as well as opening doors in selected chains where they have previously did not have contact before, brought about the founding of J.M.B. Food Sales.

Our Specializations
JMB Food Sales Company specializes in specific assignments such as master brokering a product throughout the country, opening up regional and national chains that heretofore have not been cracked or concentrating on a specific area and marketplace to get product recognition. We have put together a team of professionals that compliment each other in education, background, status in the industry and overall ability in sales and marketing on a local and national basis.
Our Secret
We have found through the years, that in order to penetrate a market you have to expose the products to a wide variety of clients who invariably have different approaches to business. While we specialize in category management, we are probably best adept at key account calls, getting to the decision makers, finding out who and what are competition is for that particular product line, and then work very closely with the principal to close and start building our business base and developing product recognition.
The old approach of just bringing in one item and spending the next 5 years getting in 5 items, has gone by the board. This has been replaced by category management, computerization and space management. To do business in today's market, you have to be abreast of all these approaches while at the same time watching the changes on consumer habits and in the marketplace itself to make sales.
Our Goal
JMB Food Sales Company decided when it opened it's doors that it was going to take this approach to doing business and wanted to work with manufacturers and principals who complimented that approach.
The product lines that we represent now compliment that philosophy and the proof of the pudding is that we have put some very large categories into leading chains that had no representation and in all instances it required replacing a brand leader that had the space prior. While this takes a longer time to accomplish, the rewards are there for both J.M.B. and it's principals.
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